Between March 20 -22, Asian Council of Science Editors welcomed more than 200 participants at its 5th Annual Conference and the 2nd Asian Conference on Science, Technology & Medicine (Formerly known as the World Conference on Science, Technology & Medicine). The conference was organized in collaboration with Science Alert, Science International, ISMTE, ISMPP, ANSInet, PCST, CUST, and Medwell Publications and was held in Carlton Palace Hotel, Deira Dubai. Dozens of invited speakers from more than 25 countries, mainly including USA, UK, China, Turkey, Malaysia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Iran and Egypt participated in the intensive three days of discussions.
The Conference Program comprised of an interesting blend of Lectures, Expert Panel Discussions as well as a workshop on Basic skills and training relevant to entire fields. Throughout the conference course, participants were provided an exclusive opportunity to network and get involved in inspiring and interesting discussions of scientists, active researchers, scholars, editors and industry leaders from all around Asia.
ACSE Annual Conference and ACSTM’s collaboration provided the Asian scholars and researchers a forum which they needed. It proved to be one of its kinds platform where they could not only present their research, but also figure out the problems they face in publishing their research. On the other hand, it provided editors and publishing professionals an opportunity to directly interact with authors and researchers. As this interaction brought worthwhile ideas during the panel discussion on the 3rd day of the conference, which was for ACSE to establish a bank of reviewers in Asia, to provide more frequent trainings at author level and on basic editing skills. Participants in Panel Discussion also focused to organize Editors Café by ACSE every other month in countries where ACSE has its members outreach.
On the concluding day, ACSE board members had a board meeting in which they discussed the progress of the council and its activities throughout the year and also focused on the future goals of ACSE. It was mutually decided that this year, ACSE would conduct frequent training events in Malaysia, Egypt, Turkey, Singapore and Qatar. Also the objective for the coming year will be to try to strengthen relationship and liaisons with the existing collaborators and establish new collaborations internationally. Last but not the least; the council will promote its 2 new initiatives named as IndexOne and SciOne for its existing and new members
The conference ended at the certificate distribution ceremony for participants, speakers and facilitators and a group photo of all attendees.