Organizing Committee

We are proud to introduce the dedicated team behind the 10th ACSE Annual Meeting, responsible for crafting a remarkable event. Our committee comprises a diverse and experienced group of professionals, each contributing their unique expertise to ensure the success of ACSE 2024. With their passion for scholarly publishing and commitment to excellence, our committee members are the driving force that will make this event a valuable experience for all attendees.

Meet our Proficient Committee Members

Dikran Toroser

Sr. Director, Pub. Management, Merck | USA

Xu Jiayi

Council Member COPE | China

Muhammad Sarwar

Secretary & Treasurer, ACSE | Dubai

Laura Dormer

Becaris Publishing Ltd | UK

Haseeb Md. Irfanullah

Independent Consultant | Bangladesh

Lisa M. DeTora

Director of STEM Writing | New York

Deng Lvxiang

Central South University, Hunan | China

Tash Brown

Director, TrendMD | USA

Sven Fund

Managing Director, ReviewerCredits | Berlin

Together, our committee members are dedicated to creating an event that's informative, engaging, and memorable. Stay tuned for updates on speakers, sessions, and other exciting highlights as we continue to work diligently to make the 10th ACSE Annual Meeting a grand success!

Deadlines to meet

Pre - Early Bird Registration
January 10, 2024

Early Bird Registration
March 01, 2024

Registration Deadline (Speakers/Exhibitors)
July 20, 2024

Registration Deadline (Listener/Participants)
July 31, 2024

Meeting Dates
August 18, 2024

Platinum Sponsors

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Silver Sponsors

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