Journal Management

This course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to effectively manage academic and scholarly journals. It covers various aspects of journal management, including editorial processes, peer review, publication ethics, marketing, and the use of technology in journal operations.


1.    Introduction to Journal Management
2.    Editorial Processes
3.    Peer Review Process
4.    Publication Ethics
5.    Journal Marketing and Outreach
6.    Open Access and Copyright Issues
7.    Technology in Journal Operations
8.    Financial and Budget Management
9.    Legal and Regulatory Compliance
10.  Continuous Improvement and Future Trends

Assessment Methods:

  • Quizzes and assignments
  • Case studies
  • Peer review exercises
  • Practical projects (e.g., developing a journal marketing plan)
  • Final exam

Course Duration:

The course will be delivered over two days, comprising four sessions.

Who should attend?

This Journal Management course is designed for professionals involved in academic and scholarly publishing, including journal editors, editorial board members, journal managers, administrators, scholarly publishers, and researchers. It is also suitable for individuals interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the processes and challenges involved in managing academic journals. Whether you are looking to enhance your knowledge in journal management, improve your editorial skills, or explore the latest trends and best practices in scholarly publishing, this course is tailored to meet your needs and aspirations. Join us to acquire the skills and insights necessary to excel in the dynamic world of academic publishing.

What will you learn?

By the end of this course, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the entire journal management process, from editorial and peer review procedures to ethical considerations, marketing, technology integration, and financial sustainability. They will be well-equipped to manage academic journals effectively and navigate the ever-evolving scholarly publishing landscape.

Short Course Fee


300 USD


400 USD

Deadlines to meet

Pre - Early Bird Registration
January 10, 2024

Early Bird Registration
March 01, 2024

Registration Deadline (Speakers/Exhibitors)
July 20, 2024

Registration Deadline (Listener/Participants)
July 31, 2024

Meeting Dates
August 18, 2024

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