Publication Ethics

The "Publication Ethics" course is a comprehensive program that delves into the crucial ethical considerations, challenges, and best practices in academic and scholarly publishing. It covers various aspects, including authorship ethics, peer review, plagiarism, research misconduct, data sharing, conflicts of interest, and responsible publication practices.


1.    Introduction to Publication Ethics
2.    Authorship and Contributorship Ethics
3.    Peer Review Ethics
4.    Plagiarism and Research Misconduct
5.    Data Sharing and Transparency
6.    Conflicts of Interest
7.    Responsible Publication Practices
8.    Research Ethics and Human Subjects
9.    Emerging Ethical Issues
10.  Ethics in the Scholarly Publishing Ecosystem

Assessment Methods:

  • Quizzes and assignments
  • Case studies
  • Ethical scenario analysis
  • Group discussions and debates
  • Final project: Drafting an ethical publishing policy

Course Duration:

The course will be delivered over two days, comprising four sessions.

Who should attend?

The "Publication Ethics" course is designed for a wide range of individuals who are involved in the academic and scholarly publishing industry or engaged in research. It is highly beneficial for the following groups:

  • Authors and Researchers: Researchers and scholars who wish to deepen their understanding of publication ethics to ensure the responsible and ethical dissemination of their research.
  • Editors and Editorial Staff: Journal editors, managing editors, and editorial teams seeking to improve their ability to uphold ethical standards and navigate ethical challenges.
  • Publishers: Professionals working in scholarly publishing, including publishing managers and staff, who are responsible for maintaining ethical practices in their publications.
  • Peer Reviewers: Reviewers who engage in the peer review process and want to adhere to ethical guidelines when evaluating research manuscripts.
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) Members: IRB members who oversee research involving human subjects and are interested in the ethical aspects of research and publication.
  • Students: Students pursuing degrees related to publishing, ethics, research, or any field that intersects with scholarly communication.
  • Academic Administrators: Those responsible for ensuring ethical research and publishing practices at academic institutions.
  • Ethics and Compliance Officers: Professionals tasked with enforcing ethical standards in research and publishing.
  • Anyone Interested in Research Ethics: Individuals who have a general interest in understanding the ethical considerations that underpin research and publication.

What will you learn?

By the end of this course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of publication ethics, enabling them to make informed ethical decisions in their roles as authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers. They will be better equipped to address ethical challenges and contribute to the responsible and transparent dissemination of research.

Short Course Fee


300 USD


400 USD

Deadlines to meet

Pre - Early Bird Registration
January 10, 2024

Early Bird Registration
March 01, 2024

Registration Deadline (Speakers/Exhibitors)
July 20, 2024

Registration Deadline (Listener/Participants)
July 31, 2024

Meeting Dates
August 18, 2024

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